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Chat Group via Facebook

About this group

This dynamic inter-professional chatgroup of OHSE Professionals from RSA first began collaborating in early 2000 via the yahoo chatgroup platform. Yahoo unfortunately discontinued its chat group facility in 2020. OHSE professionals (novice to expert, members and non-members) can now continue to pose questions and/or share solutions to challenges we all encounter in the OHS field.
This includes but not limited to: discussions around interesting experiences, case studies, upcoming workshops, conferences, training courses, job opportunities. Contemporary topics are restricted to nursing, medicine, safety, environmental ( hygiene, ergonomics, etc) affecting occupational health and/or safety. The international footprint has grown as members from SASOHN, SASOHN, SAIOH, SAIOSH, etc. regularly collaborate with ICOH, WHO, ICN, using this platform.
We encourage you to become a member of one of the professional societies to reap the benefits of full membership (eg bursaries, CEUs, guidelines, etc) kindly view:
Participants are reminded that SASOHN operates on volunteers from these societies to moderate this platform, please consider engaging as an official moderator today.